pattern: loosely ez's seamless yoke sweater
yarn: dream in color starry, ruby river color
needles: size 3 circular
6 vintage pink buttons
went off of elizabeth zimmerman's seamless yoke sweater with lots of modifications. here are the full details of what i did...
provisionally cast on for the bottom of the sweater, knit one row, cast on 5 stitches for the steek and joined to knit in the round. from there i followed the usual seamless yoke pattern with, of course, making the sleeve wider than the original pattern calls for. the two sleeves have hemmed borders with a picot edging.
after knitting approximately one inch after joining the three tubes i knit 2 rows of purl and then doubled the amount of stitches to form the ruffle. after knitting 8 rows, i then halved the stitches right before it was time to decrease for the yoke. (does any of this make any sense?) i repeated this two more times. basically just replaced the fair isle patterns with ruffles and put two rows of purl in between.
when all that was done it was time for the steeking... wasn't as scary as the green sweater! i used the crochet method. i then picked up the cast on stitches on the bottom, up the front edge, around the neck and then back down the other front edge. knitting in the round i knit 8 rows of hem (including the button holes) with mitered corners - then the picot turn row (k2tog, yo) and then another 8 rows.
all that was then left was to sew down the hem and the steeked edges.
ta da! that's all it takes to make a very happy 2 year old girl! :)
1 comment:
Absolutely gorgeous!
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