Monday, June 29, 2009

A June Post?

i realized that i hadn't been posting in a while (even though i'm not really sure if anyone reads this) so i thought i would try to get something up for june...  i have been pretty productive - i've just been busy with the kids and haven't had the chance update.

first up is the amazing pie are square shawl that i made for my mother's 60th birthday.  it is made from the most luxurious cashmere from colourmart.  i used four different lace patterns and carried them over to the front.  if you are looking for more info - ravel it :)
pi shawl
pi shawl
and mom, if you are reading this - how about hooking me up with some better shots.

here is the most amazing little t-shirt for e.  i was able to use up some rainbow colored koigu from my stash and finished it in 2 days.  doesn't she look adorable?

i also finished the cutest little dress for e but it was a test knit i did for my friend and i'm not sure if i can publish any info on it yet - i promise a picture as soon as i get the ok.

i've also been doing some spinning and i've been trying to get those pictures up on flickr as soon as i can.  there are now links to my sets on the right - you can probably keep up with my knitting faster there than my posting :(    

i'm trying to only spin for projects - otherwise i could see myself ending up with a whole bunch of single skeins.  right now i'm working on a baby bog for e made out of some awesome alpaca/merino batts i bought from spinknitandlife on etsy - they are amazing!  definitely check out her stuff.IMG_3141

that's it for now - i'll try to update more often from now on :)

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